Closed Work Orders Without Completion Date
This dashboard is designed for those who want to ensure that all closed work orders have a correct completion date and to quickly identify and address any system errors that may affect data quality.
Who is watching it? | Head of technical administration, head of administration |
How often? | Weekly |
Why you should use the dashboard?
Data Quality: Closed Work Orders Without Completion Date helps you identify work orders marked as closed but lacking a completion date. Homepal considers a work order as completed only when a completion date is recorded, regardless of its status. Although the system typically handles this automatically, errors in underlying systems can cause discrepancies. The dashboard displays the number of such work orders and details about each individual order. The count should always be 0; if it's not, you should contact your system provider to address the issue.
If there are work orders with a closed status but no completion date, it may indicate a system error. Ensure these numbers are always 0; otherwise, contact your system provider to resolve the issue.
System examples
Vitec Hyra & Teknisk förvaltning
Created by Homepal
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