Vacancy rate
This dashboard is designed for those who want an in-depth understanding of vacancy rates and their evolution over time, as well as identifying currently vacant properties and their future leasing opportunities.
Who is watching it? | Landlord, CEO, administrator |
How often? | Daily |
Why you should use the dashboard?
Vacancy Rate provides a comprehensive overview of vacancy rates across different property types and areas, focusing on trends, current status, and future forecasts. Users can track how vacancy rates change over time, view the current vacancy rate, and predict future trends. Additionally, you can see which properties are currently vacant and if they have a forthcoming lease agreement. This helps identify vacant properties that are likely to be leased soon and supports strategic planning and resource allocation.
Don't stare blindly at the current situation! Vacancy rate is a volatile key figure that, without a forecast, can give a misleading picture of how the rental is going. Avoid this by focusing on the forecast in the line chart.
System examples
Vitec Hyra & Teknisk förvaltning
Created by Homepal
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