Open work orders
This dashboard is designed for those who need a clear overview of all open work orders, identify gaps in responsibility allocation, and streamline the workflow.
Who is watching it? | Technicians, managers, operations |
How often? | Daily |
Why you should use the dashboard?
Open Work Orders provides a comprehensive overview of all open work orders, including information on those lacking an assigned executor, the distribution among various executors, and their geographical locations. Users can view details for individual work orders and navigate to underlying systems for more information. This dashboard helps streamline work orders and ensures that all tasks are assigned and managed appropriately.
No work order should be without a responsible executor! Add a responsible executor directly if a work order has no executor. Also think about how many open work orders it is reasonable for a contractor to have at a time.
System examples
Vitec Hyra & Teknisk förvaltning
Created by Homepal
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