Energy production
What is it?
The key figure shows the total amount of energy generated by energy systems during a given time period. It represents the actual production of energy and is usually measured in kilowatt-hours (kWh) or megawatt-hours (MWh).
This key figure gives a quantitative idea of the amount of clean and renewable energy generated in the stock. It can be used to evaluate how well energy systems are performing and how much energy they contribute to the total energy supply of a property, building or facility.
It is a valuable key figure to monitor and report on, and to measure the effectiveness of the energy system in reducing dependence on external energy (which is not always renewable). It is also useful for evaluating the financial viability of the energy system and how well it supports the organization's sustainability goals.
How is it calculated?
Sum of energy production = Wh
* Includes only the production during the specified time period.
Why is it important to follow?
Following the key figure is important for several reasons:
Sustainability: It gives a quantitative indication of how much clean and renewable energy the energy system generates. By measuring energy production, organizations can assess their environmental impact and how well they contribute to sustainability goals.
Energy supply: The key figure shows how much of the total energy supply is covered by the energy systems. It can be used to reduce dependence on external energy sources and stabilize energy costs.
Investments: For organizations and property owners who have invested in the energy system, it is important to follow the key figure to monitor the return on investment and assess whether the financial profitability meets expectations.
Reporting: It is useful for internal and external reporting, including showing stakeholders and customers how much clean energy is generated by the energy system.
Goal achievement: Energy production can be compared with targets for renewable energy and sustainability. It helps organizations assess whether they are achieving their goals and what actions may be needed to improve performance.
In summary, the key figure provides a basic measurement of the energy systems' performance and its impact on the organization's sustainability efforts and finances.
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