Waste Amount (CO2 Emissions)
What is it?
Waste Amount (CO2 Emissions) is a key performance indicator that measures the estimated carbon dioxide emissions resulting from waste management in a property or portfolio. These emissions can come from waste transportation, energy used to process the waste, and emissions from landfilling or incineration. The metric is often based on calculations following international guidelines such as the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG).
How is it calculated?
Sum of CO2 Emissions of waste
* Includes only the waste registered during the specified time period.
Why is it important to follow?
Tracking CO2 emissions related to waste management is important for several reasons:
Environmental sustainability
CO2 emissions are one of the largest contributors to climate change. By measuring and monitoring emissions from waste management, property owners can work to reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to global climate goals.
Regulatory requirements and reporting
Many countries are introducing mandates to report and reduce CO2 emissions from various sources, including waste management. By tracking this metric, properties can ensure compliance with national and international regulations and avoid penalties.
Improved waste management
Understanding which types of waste generate the most emissions can help property owners identify opportunities to improve waste management practices, such as increasing recycling or reducing transportation needs.
Sustainability certifications
Certifications like BREEAM and LEED include assessments of carbon emissions. Tracking this KPI can enhance a property's sustainability profile and thereby increase its overall value.
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