Days to work orders deadline
What is it?
The KPI represents the average time remaining before open work orders must be completed. This metric shows the average time remaining for the maintenance team or contractors to complete work orders relative to the scheduled deadlines assigned to those work orders.
This metric provides insight into how close or far from completion work orders are relative to their original planned timeframes. Monitoring this metric can help assess the effectiveness of maintenance processes and whether work orders are being completed on time or if there is a need to reschedule or reallocate resources to meet set deadlines.
How is it calculated?
(Number of days work orders have been open, summed - Number of days work orders must be executed within, summed) / Number of work orders = days/work order
* Includes only those work orders that are open at the specified time
Why is it important to follow?
The following are some reasons why it is important to follow the key figure:
Effectiveness assessment: The measure provides an indication of how well the maintenance process is working and whether work orders are completed within a reasonable time relative to their deadlines. It provides insight into how close or far away work order completion is relative to planned timeframes.
Planning and resource allocation: By following this metric, the maintenance team or management can see if they need to reschedule or reallocate resources to meet deadlines and improve workflow.
Improvement actions: If the average time to deadline of work orders is low, it may indicate that improvements are needed in the work processes, to ensure that work orders can be completed in a reasonable time and according to plan.
Customer or tenant satisfaction: Delivering within expected deadlines can increase customer or tenant satisfaction, as it shows that work orders are handled efficiently and quickly.
Future planning and improvements: The information from this metric can be used to make future plans and improvements within the maintenance process to ensure that work orders can be completed on time and streamline work.
In summary, the key figure provides valuable information to assess the effectiveness of the maintenance processes and to ensure that work orders can be handled and completed within the planned time. It helps plan and implement actions to improve performance and meet deadlines.
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