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Activate dashboards directly from Explore - Faster follow-up without detours!

Do you feel like you’re reinventing the wheel sometimes? You don’t have to anymore! With our new feature, you can easily activate and use dashboards that your industry colleagues have already set up and tested. Explore which dashboards are used in your sector and activate them with one click – directly into your Homepal environment.

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Are you interested in seeing more of our product and discussing how it could possibly help you and your business?
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A BI tool purpose-built for the needs of the real estate industry

Automate your follow-up and reporting with ready-made key figures and dashboards. Spend your time analyzing and acting instead of cutting and pasting in Excel or waiting a consultant case.

Explore the tool
*in our portal, in your portal, in Microsoft Teams, in Sharepoint, on TV screen...
Product overview

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Take a step into the next generation

No gigantic IT project, no system change, no consultants. Activate an add-on solution that has already been refined for many years and with thousands of players in the real estate industry.

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