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Automate your monitoring and reporting

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Homepal is a Business Intelligence tool for real estate companies. Homepal lets you access, show and share information with your colleagues fast and easy. Save hours, every month.

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Your industry colleagues are our customers

Our customer segments

Whether you are a property owner or manager and manage municipal or private housing and premises, Homepal gives you faster and easier access to information for follow-up and reporting.

Kommunala bostÀder

Ge dina hyresgÀster bÀttre service.
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Kommunala lokaler

Skapa medvetenhet i kommunens verksamheter.
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Privata bostÀder

Korta beslutsvÀgarna och fatta rÀtt beslut snabbare.
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Privata lokaler

FÄ bÀttre resultat pÄ sista raden.
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Skapa starkare kundrelationer med enkel och kraftfull datadelning.
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As a manager, I have to give my employees the conditions and tools to succeed, even when the market changes. That's why I bought Homepal.

Anette Jansson
Anette Jansson
Customer and leasing manager
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Everything went super fast! It's about weeks in order to be up-and-running with Homepal, not months or years like with many other systems.

Christoffer Greijer
Christoffer Greijer
IT- & Digitalisation Manager
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Homepal gives us cost savings, greater revenue and greener management. Now we have insight into all parts of the business!

Calle Wettergren Henriksson
Calle Wettergren Henriksson
Head of Proptech & Digitalisation, Revelop
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The only BI-tool built for the real estate industry

Homepal is a monitoring and reporting tool specifically designed for employees of property companies. With Homepal, you never start from scratch, but with key figures already calculated and dashboards already built – which you can modify exactly as you wish, without the help of consultants.

Read more about the tool

Assortment of key figures and metrics

Activate ready-made metrics and KPIs with a simple click from our range.

Uniform data structure

Your data is connected to an industry-specific and proven data model for a unified analysis environment.

Infinite scalability

Invite as many users as needed from your organization without limits.

25 reasons why real estate companies choose Homepal

Industry knowledge and experience

We combine our deep insight into the real estate industry with advanced technology to provide you with precise and relevant insights.

Unlimited number of users

Homepal provides unlimited access to key figures and metrics to promote sharing and collaboration within the organization.

Uniform calculations throughout the organization

With Homepal, the same calculations are used across the entire organization for a uniform and reliable analysis basis.

A source of truth for metrics and KPIs

Homepal gives you a single source of truth for tracking and reporting, eliminating the confusion of having multiple Excel sheets and different versions rolling.

Elimination of personal dependence

With Homepal, your data and insights are available regardless of staff turnover, minimizing the risk of losing important information.

Become a data-driven organization

With Homepal, you can quickly and easily invite dialogue and make informed decisions based on current and reliable data.

Accessibility for all

All employees have access to important information and insights to promote collaboration and decision-making.

Super fast implementation

Homepal offers a record-breaking implementation process for you to get started and benefit from the insights as quickly as possible.

Simple plug-in solution

Homepal is a plugin and not a system change. This means you can quickly connect and test - and in the unlikely event that you do not want to continue with Homepal, you can easily disconnect without affecting your data. In other words, minimal risk!

Free up time for analysis

With automatic data collection and processing, you can focus more time on actual analysis, and making strategic decisions.

Effective communication with system suppliers

We manage the communication with your system suppliers to ensure smooth integrations and collaboration.

Maximum flexibility

Change and customize your dashboards and KPIs whenever you want, giving you full control over your analytics environment.

No need for internal IT department

We take care of all integration and modeling of data, which saves resources and time for your organization.

Stable operation and availability

Homepal guarantees that your dashboards work smoothly and that you are never suddenly without access to important information.

Continuous management and development

We take care of the operation and development of your dashboards, which ensures that you always have access to the latest functions and improvements.

Seamless sharing of data

Share data with colleagues via various channels such as TV screens, intranets or Teams without having to log into additional systems.

Easy detection and management of data anomalies

Homepal makes it easy to identify and fix discrepancies in source systems' data to ensure data quality and reliability.

End of manual data processing

With Homepal, manual work to extract and process numbers is a thing of the past, freeing up time for strategic analysis.

Automatic daily update of data

You always get up-to-date data without manual work, which saves time and ensures that you have the latest information at hand.

Overview without digging into multiple systems

Homepal gives you an overview of your business without the need to dive deep into different systems and reports.

Access to industry innovations

Take advantage of other companies' innovations by testing and adapting KPIs and dashboards that are already being used successfully.

Risk-free IT project

With Homepal, you use a proven BI solution that has been shaped by other successful companies, which eliminates the risk of failed IT projects.

Support for employees in challenging times

Homepal gives your staff the tools and overview they need to make smart decisions even in difficult circumstances.

Assistance in the selection of measurement values ​​and presentation

Our team helps you choose the right KPIs and visualizations to maximize insights and decision-making.

Visual clarity without technical know-how

Homepal offers intuitive dashboards that make it easy for anyone to understand and draw conclusions without being a data expert.

How does it work?

Vi sköter integrationen frÄn början till slut

Vi tar hand om den tekniska sidan av integrationen, sÄ att du och ditt team kan:

  • fokusera pĂ„ kĂ€rnverksamheten

  • fortsĂ€tta som vanligt med det dagliga arbetet

  • slippa oroa er över IT-frĂ„gor.

Vi har standardintegrationer mot i princip alla system som anvÀnds i branschen.

Skulle vi sakna nÄgonting sÄ skrÀddarsyr och implementerar vi integrationer frÄn era befintliga system.

VÀlj bland fÀrdiga nyckeltal

Med vÄrt intuitiva grÀnssnitt kan du enkelt:

  • vĂ€lja fĂ€rdiga mĂ€tvĂ€rden och nyckeltal frĂ„n en katalog

  • utgĂ„ frĂ„n fĂ€rdiga mallar som dina branchkollegor anvĂ€nder

  • visa siffror frĂ„n det perspektiv som Ă€rrelevant för er verksamhet.

Vi erbjuder en omfattande lista av branschens vanligaste uppföljnings- och rapporteringssiffror.

Vi Àr med dig hela vÀgen och hjÀlper dig skapa skrÀddarsydda lösningar som passar just era behov och mÄl.

Uppdaterade siffror varje dag

Dina valda mÀtvÀrden och nyckeltal Àr uppdateras automatiskt efter vald frekvens sÄ att du varje dag:

  • slipper manuellt arbete för att fĂ„ fram uppföljnings- och rapporteringssiffror

  • snabbt kan fatta beslut pĂ„ dagsfĂ€rsk data

  • enkelt kan distribuera siffror till organisationen

VÄra dynamiska dashboards gör det enkelt att dela data med kollegor och hÄlla alla informerade om den senaste utvecklingen.

Driften av dina dashboards Àr i vÄra hÀnder. Vi ser till att de alltid Àr up-and-running!

A short overview for you who want to
see how it works

Homepal is a platform for business monitoring that has been specifically developed for the real estate industry. At Homepal, we don't think it should be difficult or expensive for businesses to access their data and visualize it in a way that everyone can understand.

We know what you should be looking at

We know it can be difficult to know where to start. Homepal are experts in the real estate industry and have developed ready-made dashboards, filled with the right KPIs, which are configured based on different needs and purposes - and stress tested by your industry colleagues.

See our finished examples of dashboards:

Browse our dashboards
Dashboard Image
Teknisk förvaltning

Arbetsorderuppföljning för distriktschefer

Dashboard som hjÀlper dig som distriktschef att sÀkerstÀlla att arbetsordrar inte faller mellan stolarna för de fastigheter som du ansvarar för.

Data? No problem.

Homepal handles everything from data collection to ready-made insights. We have integrations with all the industry's usual suppliers, which makes the implementation seamless.

You can sit back and have a cup of coffee while we download your data and set up everything you need.

Officiell samarbetspartner
Officiell samarbetspartner

Get started easily with
our guides

Browse our guides and articles to find what you need to succeed in tracking and improving results — using KPIs, data, and your team.

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Examples of 25 dashboards for real estate companies - and what they can be used for

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blog posts and articles

BlÀddra bland fler resurser
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Homepal VS Stratsys

What is the difference between Homepal and Stratsys? Do you need both? Or is one system enough? What are the main features and how do they differ?

Frequently asked questions

In accordance with the GDPR, we have taken all necessary technical and organizational measures to ensure the security and confidentiality of customers' data. All data is stored on secure servers with the highest level of data security. We take special measures to ensure that all sensitive data, such as tenants' personal data, is encrypted and stored in Europe. Want to know more about how we handle data? Email us at

Many people are unsure of their data quality. In the vast majority of cases, the data you have is actually better than you think. Remember that data doesn't have to be perfect for data-driven work to be rewarding. In many cases where data is missing, lump sums can provide a fair picture while you start collecting the missing data to get an accurate result. If you are still unsure if your data is sufficient, we at Homepal can help you do a quality check.

Yes. We have taken all necessary technical and organizational measures to guarantee the security and confidentiality of our client's data.

Different business intelligence tools have different strengths. In some cases, data needs to be twisted and turned for very deep analysis, which requires an extremely powerful tool and data expertise from the person using it.

In other cases, the most important thing is to make data accessible and help everyone in the organization to work data-driven without being able to write SQL code or be an expert in data. Homepal makes it possible for everyone in the organization to benefit from data, get answers to questions and make data-driven decisions, without any technical expertise.
Read more about different types of BI tools here →

You can invite colleagues to view or edit the dashboards you have created. You can also share public links. Furthermore it is possible to embed dashboards and KPIs and display them on TV screens in the office.

Yes. You can choose whether you want, for example, bar charts, line charts, or simple key figures. It is also possible to show percentage changes between time periods or how you as a company are doing in relation to your targets.

Yes, we have support for embedding dashboards and KPIs, so you can display important information on your intranet, website and TV screens in the office.

We retrieve data every night from your systems.

Yes, we arrange that! Email us at

In some cases, you can get an invitation to a demo account with demo data to see how it feels before you decide. We also have a number of videos showing how Homepal works. If you want a personalized demo, you can email us at, or click the "book a demo" button in the top right corner.

We take responsibility for the integration all the way. When we know which system providers you want to share data from, we know exactly what data we need from, for example, your property system or case management system. Once we have access to your real estate data, we set up the integration in no time, and then you're ready to get started with Homepal!

The first thing we do is request data from the business systems you use. This can be any system you want, such as the real estate system, the financial system or the energy monitoring system. All you have to do is tell your suppliers that you want to share data with us, and we'll do the rest.

Once we have access to your data, we model it, which takes 3-4 days. It requires nothing from you.

Then we quality assure your data, which we need some help with, so that you see exactly what you want and nothing else in Homepal. For example: are there properties and/or objects that should not be loaded into Homepal and if so, how are they marked in your real estate system?


Everything you need to know about the product and how it works. Can't find an answer? Please contact our team.

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