Free webinar Jan 23 11:00 AM
Get your business to work data-driven
Get the information you need with the press of a button
Homepal is a Business Intelligence tool purpose-built for the real estate industry. With Homepal, you can quickly and easily access, view and share information with your colleagues. Save hours, every month.
We have standard connections to industry systems
We can pull data from any system in the industry - simple or difficult. And we do it really fast, too, thanks to our existing connections with your system suppliers.
Se alla vÄra anslutningarAs a manager, I have to give my employees the conditions and tools to succeed, even when the market changes. That's why I bought Homepal.
Everything went super fast! It's about weeks in order to be up-and-running with Homepal, not months or years like with many other systems.
Homepal gives us cost savings, greater revenue and greener management. Now we have insight into all parts of the business!
Benefit from the innovation of others
The progress and development we make with one customer is then shared with all our customers. Through collaboration between industry peers, we increase the pace of innovation in the real estate industry.
All dashboards available to activate with one click. đ
Change however you want, whenever you want
In Homepal, it's easy to change or edit just the way you want. You don't need to be a data engineer or visualization professional.
Expensive consultant invoices and long waiting times are a thing of the past. đ
Start at 100% instead of zero
Unlike other players where you start from a blank sheet, our dashboards and KPIs are ready to use right away. We've optimized them over many years with thousands of meetings with industry experts. Don't reinvent the wheel.
Analyze and act instead of waiting for a lengthy IT project đ
See a demo
Axel shows how easy it is to work in Homepal, no matter if you're a beginner or an expert.
A community for success
Our community of dedicated users is what drives the industry forward. Together it will be easier, cheaper and more fun!
We help you, every step on the way
We succeed because you succeed. Here's how we work to ensure that Homepal is a success with all our customers.
Homepal tar ansvar för hela leveransen, helt utan att belasta din IT-avdelning. Arbeta live med nyckeltal och dashboards direkt.
Vi tar ansluter alla dina system till Homepal och sköter kommunikationen med dina leverantörer. Vi Àr experter pÄ fastighetsdata och har gjort det hundratals gÄnger förut - Àven med kluriga system och svÄrÄtkomlig data.
Du behöver inte veta var du ska börja, det vet vi. Vi sÀtter upp ett startpaket som passar just dig, och dina behov. DÀrefter kan du anpassa, redigera och modifiera hur du vill.
FÄ ut informationen i organisationen och engagera dina kollegor. Hur mycket hjÀlp vill du ha av oss?
Fullservice frÄn Homepal
Fullservice frÄn Homepal
Tillsammans tar vi fram en utrullningsstrategi som passar just dig och dina behov. Homepal hÄller i utbildningar och workshops och ser till att dina kollegor har exakt den dashboard som Àr relevant just för dem.
Det hÀr Àr en tillÀggstjÀnst som passar dig som vill ha maximal hjÀlp.
CoachningMost popular
CoachningMost popular
Vi coachar dig, men du gör jobbet sjÀlv. Vi fokuserar pÄ ett eller nÄgra nyckeltal och dashboards sÄ att du kommer igÄng.
Det hÀr Àr en tillÀggstjÀnst som passar dig som vill ha en del hjÀlp.
Egen utrullning
Egen utrullning
Ibland kan det vara skönt att lösa saker pÄ sitt eget sÀtt. Du ser till att fÄ ut Homepal i organisationen sÄ att dina kollegor ocksÄ kan ta del av verktyget. Vi finns sÄklart alltid i supporten.
Passar dig som inte behöver hjÀlp att nÄ ut i organisationen.
Homepal passar dina behov, oavsett hur de ser ut över tid. Enkelhet och flexibilitet Àr kÀrnan i vÄr lösning, sÄ att du kan fokusera pÄ din verksamhet.
Inspireras av dina branschkollegors dashboards â och kopiera dem Ă„t dig sjĂ€lv med ett klick. Hos Hompal behöver du aldrig uppfinna hjulet.
Skapa eller redigera
Skapa eller redigera
Det unika i Homepal Ă€r att du aldrig mĂ„ste bygga nĂ„got sjĂ€lv - men du kan om du vill! LĂ€gg enkelt till nyckeltal frĂ„n vĂ„rt fĂ€rdiga bibliotek â dra, slĂ€pp och vĂ€lj hur de ska visualiseras.
Customer success
Customer success
Som kund fÄr du en hÀngiven Customer Success Manager som hjÀlper dig lyckas med Homepal och din datadrivna resa. Med regelbundna avstÀmningar hanterar vi stort som smÄtt med ett leende.
We are always there for you.
Whatever approach you choose to implement Homepal with, we're there - from start to finish. We at Homepal are not like anyone else. We believe in direct contact and speed rather than lengthy support lines and slow processes.
Our standard connections
We are experts in real estate data and systems. We retrieve your data in one day.
Vitec Ekonomi
Vitec Energiuppföljning
Vitec Hyra & Teknisk förvaltning
Vitec Verksamhetsanalys
Data guarantee
We are real estate industry data experts - and have already done all the work to connect most systems.
Any questions before we get started?
Is my data quality good enough?
Many people are unsure of their data quality. In the vast majority of cases, the data you have is actually better than you think. Remember that data doesn't have to be perfect for data-driven work to be rewarding. In many cases where data is missing, lump sums can provide a fair picture while you start collecting the missing data to get an accurate result. If you are still unsure if your data is sufficient, we at Homepal can help you do a quality check.
Does Homepal comply with GDPR?
Yes. We have taken all necessary technical and organizational measures to guarantee the security and confidentiality of our client's data.
How is Homepal helpful if I already have a BI tool?
Different business intelligence tools have different strengths. In some cases, data needs to be twisted and turned for very deep analysis, which requires an extremely powerful tool and data expertise from the person using it.
In other cases, the most important thing is to make data accessible and help everyone in the organization to work data-driven without being able to write SQL code or be an expert in data. Homepal makes it possible for everyone in the organization to benefit from data, get answers to questions and make data-driven decisions, without any technical expertise.
Read more about different types of BI tools here â
Can I customize how my key figures are visualized?
Yes. You can choose whether you want, for example, bar charts, line charts, or simple key figures. It is also possible to show percentage changes between time periods or how you as a company are doing in relation to your targets.
Take a step into the next generation
No gigantic IT project, no system change, no consultants. Activate an add-on solution that has already been refined for many years and with thousands of players in the real estate industry.
30 dashboards for real estate companies
Homepal's second e-book filled with examples of dashboards for optimizing every sector within the real estate industry.