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Enköpings hyresbostäder wins shortest handling time of internal cases!

  • Amanda Forssberg
    Amanda Forssberg

    2023-09-29 • 1 minuters läsning

Prispallen (the podium) is an award Homepal gives out to recognize customers who are doing a really good job in different categories of property management.

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...and hey! We also share the winners' perspectives, tricks and best practices to create a community where real estate companies can be inspired and learn from each other - and maybe bring out some competitive spirit!

Enköpings Hyresbostäder has over the last three months had an impressive average time of 𝟐,𝟗 𝐝𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐫*!

...but is 2.9 days the optimal processing time? What is most important when it comes to really cases? Soon the winners' thoughts, perspectives and tricks will be revealed in a Homepalk channel near you.

When it comes out, you will find the link in this post, but make sure to follow us on Linkedin so you don't miss out!

*psst... We measure the last three months, but EHB has actually kept the same average the last year.

Congratulations to your EHB!

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