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Alla blog posts
Niklas Hellgren
Niklas Hellgren
23 okt 2024


Blog posts

How Customer Success works at Homepal

What does Customer Success mean at Homepal? What is our goal and how do we work to achieve it? This blog post will be about that!

Before we start working with Customer Success, we need to make sure you get started. All the following steps are completed when we start your Customer Success journey.

The steps before Customer Success:

Implementation/delivery and start-up
Homepal contacts your system provider(s) to retrieve data
Homepal models all data
Together we quality assure your data to ensure that everything is correct
Homepal sets up your starter package. Read more and see your starter kit here.
Training and start-up meeting

Okay, the first steps with Homepal are done. Your first systems are integrated, your data is modeled and quality assured and your starter kit is ready. In other words, it's time to get started. So what happens next? That's what this blog post is about!

The goal of Customer Success

The goal of Customer Success, or CS, is to create long-term partnerships with our customers by ensuring they get maximum value from our platform. Our goal is to make your work easier, more efficient and data-driven through continuous support, training and advice.

How we work with Customer Success

  • Regular check-ins to answer questions

  • Explore

  • Helping your colleagues find Homepal.

Regular check-ins

Regular check-ins ensure you have the support you need. In the beginning, we'll check in with you more often, and then at longer intervals once you're up to speed. During the check-ins, we take the opportunity to answer any questions you may have and provide some tips and tricks to help you get the best out of your Homepal experience. We're always available on the phone or via email.


The starter kit is just the beginning. Homepal has a plethora of great dashboards used by your industry peers - all of which can be found under the Explore tab in Homepal. There you can find inspiration, activate new dashboards with a click, and then easily modify them to your liking. Your Homepal contact will help you find what's right for you and your colleagues.

Helping your colleagues find Homepal

Your customer success manager can help you spread Homepal to more departments and more colleagues if you don't have the time or don't want to do everything yourself. You can choose from different levels of help:

  • Coaching: We coach you, but you do the work yourself. We focus on one or a few key figures and dashboards to get you started with your colleagues. This is an additional service that is suitable for those who want some help.

  • Full service from Homepal: Together we develop a roll-out strategy that suits you and your needs. Homepal organizes trainings and workshops and makes sure your colleagues have exactly the dashboard that is relevant to them. This is an additional service for those who want maximum support.


The aim of our CS work is to help and support you to get the most out of Homepal. Talk to us and we will find the best solution for you.


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