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Homepal – a prerequisite for sustainable real estate companies

  • Niklas Hellgren
    Niklas Hellgren

    2022-02-08 • 4 minuters läsning

Homepal manages data for approximately 7 million square meters on a daily basis and ensures a standardized and accessible information structure with high data quality for the entire organization with special focus on the IT manager, Property Manager, Controlling and Management Group.

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Homepals start-up package 'Starter' is the entrance to data management of your property portfolio. An entrance that quickly leads to transparency, searchability and commitment among staff and tenants.

A property needs ongoing management to maintain and increase its value. Your organization's data also needs ongoing management to be able to meet different stakeholders' requirements for property information, vacancy rate, energy consumption, net operating income, environmental certifications, leases, drawings, etc. to create results and values ​​on a daily basis.

“We at Homepal have talked to so many real estate companies - over 300 - everything from small family-owned to large listed real estate companies. Keeping track of your property data is the basis for being able to maintain value, create new insights and build commitment within and outside the organization. This is the precondition for taking the next step in digitalisation.

Are you looking for a friend in the data swamp? Call me, Niklas Hellgren, on 070-735 74 82 and I will share my domain knowledge and contacts!”

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