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How real estate companies can engage employees to reduce energy costs

  • Amanda Forssberg
    Amanda Forssberg

    2023-06-01 ‱ 3 minuters lĂ€sning

It is becoming increasingly important for real estate companies to find ways to reduce their energy costs. An effective strategy to achieve this is to engage employees in management and set clear KPIs that can be monitored and evaluated consistently. By involving the entire team and creating a strong focus, real estate companies can not only save money, but also promote a sustainable and energy-efficient environment.

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1. Create a strong management structure and engage employees
In order to succeed with energy cost savings, it is important that responsible managers emphasize the importance of reducing energy consumption. Clearly communicating the goals and involving employees promotes a culture of commitment and responsibility. By making energy savings a shared concern, the company can benefit from the different perspectives and ideas employees have to offer.

2. Set clear targets and follow up consistently
A key part of saving energy costs is to set clear targets that can be tracked and associated KPIs that can be evaluated regularly. This may include reducing energy consumption per square meter, optimizing the use of heating and cooling systems, or implementing energy-efficient technologies. Through well-defined KPIs, real estate companies can track their performance and identify areas where there is room for improvement.

3. Reward and encourage positive results:
To maintain motivation and engagement, it is important for real estate companies to recognize and reward positive results. Share both successes and lessons learned across departments and regions so that more people can learn what worked and what didn't. The best results are achieved when the whole company works together towards a common goal.

By engaging employees in management and setting clear goals with measurable KPIs, real estate companies can reduce their energy costs and promote more cost-effective and sustainable operations. By creating a culture of engagement and accountability, real estate companies can take advantage of employees' ideas and perspectives to identify and implement energy-saving measures. Reward and encourage positive results to maintain motivation and ensure long-term energy cost savings. Thus, an active and engaged employee base can be the key to saving money and creating a more sustainable future for Swedish real estate companies.

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