
Free benchmarking numbers: Average number of days from termination to signed contract.

Benchmarking number for rental lead times

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Amanda Öholm
Amanda Öholm
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Niklas Hellgren
Frida Björklund
Frida Björklund



Homepal's support in Mimer's rental processes

Mimer presents the rental team's work in Homepal & the administration's involvement in rental statistics.


15:00 16:30, 30 okt 2024


Digital workshop (Teams)

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15:00 - 15:15 | Introduction

  • Brief presentation of the agenda and purpose

  • Introduction of participants

15:15 - 16:10 | The rental team's work in Homepal & the administration's involvement in rental statistics

  • Mimer displays dashboards and key figures in Homepal.

  • There is room to ask questions during the presentation

  • If there is time left, we will also present future focus areas for the rental department at Mimer.

16:10 - 16:30 | Summary and next steps

  • Review of key insights

  • Identification of concrete next steps

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