
Free benchmarking numbers: Average number of days from termination to signed contract.

Benchmarking number for rental lead times

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Kevin Kimaryo
Kevin Kimaryo
31 okt 2024



New Detail View – A Comprehensive Upgrade for Insight and Analysis!

Our newly revamped detail view has undergone a complete transformation, designed with user feedback in mind to boost usability and data precision. Originally created for troubleshooting, this view has now evolved to meet the increasing need for detailed data insights when anomalies are detected. Now every column is carefully curated, allowing administrators to customize which metrics to display, tailored specifically to your organization. As a user, you can also personalize the order and content of columns, making decisions simpler before exporting data to Excel. We’re excited to bring you an optimized, in-depth view that supports clearer, faster data validation and decision-making!


A BI tool purpose-built for the needs of the real estate industry

Automate your follow-up and reporting with ready-made key figures and dashboards. Spend your time analyzing and acting instead of cutting and pasting in Excel or waiting a consultant case.

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Take a step into the next generation

No gigantic IT project, no system change, no consultants. Activate an add-on solution that has already been refined for many years and with thousands of players in the real estate industry.

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Real Estate
Pioneering Proptech and Sustainable Innovation in Sweden 2024
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