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Alla blog posts
Amanda Forssberg
Amanda Forssberg
6 jul 2023


Blog posts

Benefits of making property data available to the whole organization

In this blog post, we will explore the problems faced by real estate companies and finally how Homepal can solve them.

All real estate companies manage a large amount of data related to properties, tenants, finances and maintenance. Although this data is valuable for making informed decisions and driving the business forward, many real estate companies face barriers when it comes to sharing and disseminating data internally.

User-based licenses

Business systems with user-based licenses can incur high costs as each user requires a separate login. This results in people without a login missing out on important information and data. The payment model limits access to data, which in turn leads to inefficient information dissemination and uncertainty.

For real estate companies, the challenge is that their data becomes isolated in different systems and tools. This prevents employees without access to these tools from taking advantage of the valuable information. Data isolation leads to limited access and impairs the ability to make informed decisions based on the big picture.

Difficulties in understanding and interpreting data

One of the major challenges in sharing data is making it understandable and easily accessible to the whole organization. Unclear reports and complicated Excel sheets make it difficult for employees who are less familiar with data analysis to understand and interpret the information. This prevents them from benefiting from the data and removes the ability to make informed decisions based on insights.

Time-consuming and manual data management

Lack of time is a common challenge for real estate companies and their employees. Searching through different systems, compiling and sharing data takes a lot of time and resources. The manual management of data leads to inefficiency and lost productivity. This prevents the company from benefiting from timely and accurate information.

In conclusion, real estate companies face several challenges when it comes to making real estate data available to the entire organization. Data isolation in user-based licenses, difficulties in understanding and interpreting data, and time-consuming and manual data management are problems that need to be addressed. This is where Homepal comes in as a solution.

Why real estate companies choose Homepal

  1. One license for all your colleagues. Homepal doesn't cost more to give more people access to important data.

  2. Data is visualized in easy-to-understand, tangible dashboards with key figures and trends.

  3. Automated data management and distribution saves time and resources.

By offering an integrated platform to collect, analyze and share real estate data, Homepal can help real estate companies break the data isolation, increase the availability of data, facilitate the use of specialized tools and create simpler and more understandable visualizations.
It is of course possible to share information, create reports and monitor operations manually. The price is to invest whole days and weeks fighting against Excel, Sharepoint,PowerPoint and Outlook.

How others use Homepal

Homepal helps real estate companies gather hard-to-access data in one place

Homepal can integrate with all the different systems of the real estate industry, such as different property systems, financial systems, sustainability systems, energy systems, intranets like Sharepoint and so on. Instead of logging in to each system, you only need Homepal to access important information.

Create dashboards that are easy to understand

With Homepal, you can track and monitor key metrics and trends, but also visualize data, set goals and compare your progress with other area offices.

Using Homepal to spread awareness and engagement

Almost every system real estate companies use locks up the real estate company's data and is reluctant to release it. This means that the different systems don't talk to each other, and getting the whole picture requires manual cutting and pasting in Excel - and these files end up on someone's personal desktop or hidden deep in some Sharepoint folder that no one else can access.

And then the work is half in vain.

Because the reason why real estate companies follow up on management and customer satisfaction is to streamline and improve for more satisfied tenants, a greener future and stable results on the bottom line. It is the employees in the organization and their daily work that create these results. Without an overview of how the company and their respective departments are doing against the goals, it is difficult to create commitment to improve the business.

That's why Homepal exists. The reason why real estate companies love using us is that it makes it easy to disseminate important information where employees will actually see it.

For example...

  • TV screens in the office - take the opportunity to disseminate information in the break room, reception or wherever you have set up your screens.

  • Intranet - embed key figures on the intranet in two minutes. A few clicks and everyone can get an updated picture of the current situation every day.

  • Login in Homepal - invite colleagues to view, comment or edit dashboards - or build their own.

  • Teams - Share your dashboard on Teams to create engagement and discussion.

  • Mail - send your dashboard directly to your colleague's inbox.

Try Homepal for free

Homepal is used by Swedish real estate companies that want to promote an open, data-driven culture.

If you've always wanted your team to have greater access to data that can help them transform your business, try Homepal for free today.

platform-overviewThis is how it might look in a dashboard.

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