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Amanda Forssberg
Amanda Forssberg
19 sep 2023


Blog posts

Your biggest mistake this fall: Taking one thing at a time.

Are you going all in on a big project? Well, well, well... Read on to find out why it's not a good idea.

Any real estate company sitting in Aeron's Incit Xpand knows that the fun ends in 2025 - and now the (less?) fun process of switching real estate systems has begun. Whether it's a building system change or another big project you're in the middle of, it can feel like there's no room for anything else - but here's where you need to watch out!

There are certain times when you need to focus on one thing at a time - and other times when you need to fight a multi-front battle. This particular occasion falls into the latter category. Here's why.

Imagine every action movie ever made where the hero is attacked by multiple enemies at the same time. The only way for the hero to emerge victorious is to fight all the enemies at once. Taking them on one at a time won't help when they are coming from all directions at once.

Now the point: You are the hero - the enemies are different ways the current market is threatening to destroy your business right now. One enemy is the big project you're trying to complete, another is the terrifying interest rates, a third is the vacancy threat these times bring, a fourth is the skyrocketing energy costs... well, you get the picture.

By focusing only on your big project (switching property systems, for example), you risk letting the other enemies get too close.

Buying Homepal in this case isn't adding another enemy (i.e. another project to manage) - it's the opposite: it's boosting the hero with a brand new laser sword!

With Homepal, you get a boost in the fight against all your challenges, as our dashboards help you gain insight through analysis, automate follow-up and give your employees the right tools and conditions to achieve better results.

And hey! If you change your real estate system while you are or are about to become a Homepalk customer, there is NO problem. Many people think it's like building a new house on a plot of land where there is an old house - tear it all down and start from scratch, but that's not true! Rather, think of it as Homepal is a lamp and changing the building system is like changing the electrical outlet that the lamp is plugged into. Uncomplicated!

Did you know that it takes a few hours of your time to implement Homepal and that you can be up and running in just one week? It's true! Listen to our customer Christoffer Greijer, who is IT and digitalization manager at Enköpings Hyresbostäder.

Not a big project!

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A BI tool purpose-built for the needs of the real estate industry

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