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Amanda Forssberg
Amanda Forssberg
24 apr 2023


Blog posts

How they saved 15 hours every month

When monitoring and reporting takes up several working days a month, other important things are left behind. Read how one customer saved 15 hours per month!

A common challenge when it comes to working data-driven is the difficult process of getting data out of the real estate system.

When we conducted interviews with around 80 people (as of right now) in the real estate industry and asked an IT project manager how well it worked to retrieve data from their real estate system, he replied

"Very, very bad. I would say it's with a sledgehammer and a crowbar you get most of the data out of our real estate system."

Unfortunately, more people recognize this. The ERPs used by the vast majority of real estate companies are closed systems and very rarely have support for sharing data with other tools, which significantly impairs the experience for their customers. Instead of seamless integrations where data is automatically shared and updated, many spend valuable time understanding what data is needed, searching, extracting, sorting, deleting errors, researching, cutting and pasting and finally trying to make a nice chart of it in Excel. It usually doesn't turn out that well anyway, and there is rarely enough time before that meeting you had planned to fix it for. Well, it works well to just present the actual numbers straightforwardly.

We have yet to meet a single person working at a real estate company who hasn't wished they had more time. No wonder, when monitoring and reporting take up entire days of employees' time.

When we started working with a housing company with about 6000 apartments in its portfolio, they were in exactly the same boat as many others. Monitoring is a priority, but it takes far too long. As soon as we got access to the customer's data, we were able to cut the entire process from step 1, which is "What kind of data is needed now?" to step 937 (or, at least, that's how it feels), which is "Create a nice-looking PowerPoint and present to colleagues/management team".

With Homepal, our new customer could go straight from "I need to show our energy use over the last six months" to "Aha! Now I know! Now I can copy and paste directly into my PowerPoint!". The time in between used to take anywhere from one to seven hours depending on the complexity of the question to be answered.

Getting fifteen hours back every month makes a big difference!

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